

Today's Quote

7th God is All

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2nd God is our Creator

There are several principles shared by Neotheists:

  • 1.   Think of God as the totality of the entire reality, and conceive God as the creative process within the reality.

    2.   The sacredness of life and the evolutionary process.

    3.   See humans as an interconnected, emergent part of nature.

    4.   A strong environmental ethic for the welfare of the planet Earth and humanity.

    5.   The inherent worth and dignity of every person. *

    6.      Justice, equity and compassion in human relations. *

    7.      Acceptance of one another and encouragement to spiritual growth in the society. *

    8.      A free and responsible search for truth and meaning. *

    9.      The right of conscience and the use of the democratic process in the society. *

    10.   The goal of world community with peace, liberty, and justice for all. *

    11.   Respect for the interdependent web of all existence of which we are a part. *

    12.  Approach matters of morality, ethics and value with a focus on how the world works, with a deep concern for fairness and the welfare of all humans regardless of their station in life.

    13.  Seek to integrate these interpretative, spiritual and ethical responses in a manner that respects diverse religious and philosophical perspectives, while still subjecting them and itself to rigorous scrutiny.

    * Aligned with the Unitarian Universalist principles

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