Neotheists - are those who maintain a naturalistic God concept and use god language to express their feelings about what is.
Many of these people have evolved out of traditional religious beliefs and may still be active in churches of various denominations.
Many of them can be called religious liberals.
Their god concept is a naturalistic one. That is, their concept of deity is not supernatural as most god concepts are.
Neotheists think of God as the totality of the entire reality, and conceive God as the creative process within the reality.
Neotheists asserts that the natural world is the center of our most significant experiences and understandings.
Consequently, nature is considered as the ultimate value in assessing one's being.
Neotheists affirm the human need for meaning and value in their lives, and draw on two fundamental convictions in those quests:
the sense of Nature's richness, spectacular complexity, and fertility, and the recognition that nature is the main realm in which people live out their lives.
Science is a fundamental, indispensable component of the paradigm of neotheism. It relies on mainstream science to reinforce religious and spiritual perspectives. Science is the primary interpretive tool, because scientific methods are thought to provide the most reliable understanding of nature and the world, including human nature.
Neotheists use the term “religious” to refer to an attitude - of being appreciative of and interested in concerns that have long been parts of religions.
These include:
A spiritual sense (which may include a sense of mystery or wonder or feelings of reverence or awe in response to the scope and power and beauty of the natural world)
A moral sense (with compassion, desire for justice, and attempts to do what is right – with respect to other people, other creatures, and the natural environment)